Tonies Shop

Meet the magical, musical storybox

Enjoy endless entertainment from breakfast until bedtime with the Toniebox.

So, how does it work?

Using the Toniebox is easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. Little hands pick a Tonie character. Pop it on the box. And listen to all of their favourite songs and stories.

Happy kids

  • They’re the boss – Kids just pop, tap, tilt and squeeze to control the story all by themselves.
  • Soft and squishable – Soft enough for snuggle-time, strong enough for bumps and tumbles.
  • All their favourite characters – Watch little faces light up as best-loved characters tell them a story or sing them a song.

Happy parents

  • Tumble-proof – The Toniebox is one tough little box. It’s build to survive bumps and tumbles so it can keep kids entertained for years and years.
  • Screen-free fun – The Toniebox was designed by parents to keep little ones entertained, no screen in sight.
  • Rock the routine - From wake up to wind down, and all the tumbles in between, the Toniebox helps keep your routine on track.

Happy listening

Buy Tonies and Toniebox Characters online and in-store at Smyths Toys Superstores! Tonies are a great way to keep little ones occupied, and we’ve got a truly remarkable selection. If you’ve ever wondered where to buy Tonies, look no further than your local Smyths Toys Superstore!

What are Tonies?

Tonies are a screen-free entertainment system, designed for children. This audio system provides hours of entertainment via music and storytelling – all in one Toniebox. For a more parent-friendly experience, plug headphones into the Toniebox via the headphone jack.

How to skip Tonies?

With Tonies, you can skip songs and stories by tapping on either side of the Toniebox. However, please note that the Tonie content must be completely downloaded before attempting to skip audio clips.

How to fast forward Tonies?

There are two ways to fast-forward or rewind Tonies. To use the Toniebox, simply tap the left side of the box to rewind, or the right side of the box to fast-forward or skip. Parents can also set up a “fast-forward” or “skip” feature via the mytonies mobile phone app.

What age are Tonies for?

Tonies are ideal for children ages 3 and up. Designed to inspire independent play and imaginative thinking, the Toniebox is easy to use and provides hours of entertainment. For peace of mind, parents can filter content by age, ensuring that your little one avails of age-appropriate songs and stories.